Inter360 supports and sponsors the "Les RétroActifs" team (n°772) in the 4L Trophy, Europe's biggest student raid!
🎉 Departure D-7 🎉
Students travel 6,000 km by Renault 4L between France and Morocco, combining adventure and solidarity. Each crew transports school and sports supplies for Moroccan children via the "Enfants du Désert" association.
The 4L Trophy promotes values of solidarity and respect for the environmentwith economical, robust vehicles.
By supporting "Les RétroActifsInter360 is committed to human and environmental values strong.
Follow us on this exceptional adventure!
The 4L Trophy: A Solidarity and Responsible Adventure!
Inter360 supports and sponsors the team "Les RétroActifs" (n°772) in the 4L Trophythe largest student rally in Europe!
🎉 Departure in 7 Days! 🎉
Students travel 6,000 km in a Renault 4L between France and Morocco, combining adventure and solidarity. Each crew delivers school and sports supplies for Moroccan children through the association "Enfants du Désert".
The 4L Trophy promotes values of solidarity and respect for the environmentwith economical and robust vehicles.
By supporting "Les RétroActifsInter360 is committed to strong human and environmental values.
Follow us to experience this exceptional adventure!